Memorial Day Essay Winners

During a May Kiwanis Club of Mariemont meeting, the writers of the winning Memorial Day essays read their written works of art. All of the winners are currently in 6th grade and all of the winners then read their 500+ word essays on Memorial Day, during the parades in each of their communities.

Ms. Kristy Bruck, sixth-grade language arts teacher at Mariemont Elementary, introduced Anna Scheeser, the essay winner for Mariemont. “It’s exciting to hear these essays, which cover what Memorial Day really means. Each student really focuses on what the day is really about and why it is such a special day for us,” said Ms. Bruck. Rachel Justice was selected as the winner for Fairfax, Berenice Reyes for Prince of Peace, and Reilly McGonagil for Terrace Park. Catherine Geary was the runner up for Mariemont. Rachel, Anna and Catherine are students at Mariemont Elementary School and Reilly is a student at Terrace Park Elementary School.

The essays focused on the bravery of all of those that have protected or currently protect our country, the sacrifices people have made for freedom and other patriotic anecdotes and historical facts. If you would like to hear the essays read or would like to participate in the Memorial Day parades, everyone is welcome to attend. The Mariemont parade starts at 8:15am in the Mariemont Parish Center parking; the Terrace Park parade starts at 10am in the elementary school parking lot; and the Fairfax parade starts at 11am in front of the police department on Hawthorne Avenue.

In the picture: The four winners: Anna Scheeser, Berenice Reyes, Rachel Faith & Reilly McGonagil with Todd Keyes, Kiwanis member.

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