There is no better time to proceed with the Wasson Way Project than now. It will produce a 6.5 mile Bike and Pedestrian Path from Xavier University to the Little Miami Bike Trail in Newtown!
Jay Andress has spearheaded the effort to make the win-win Wasson Way project a reality and has outline the benefits for Mariemont below:
- It connects all the families and children safely to the Little Miami Scenic Bike Trail, which is currently so close but yet separated by a very dangerous and busy road.
- The Wasson Way and a connector will provide complete off-road access for Terrace Park students to Mariemont High School
- Through two access points (near the community swimming pool and by Kroger’s), Mariemont residents will be able to ride into Hyde Park…only two miles away on the bike trail…crossing trestles above Wooster Pike, Red Bank Road and in Ault Park.
- The trail will be a bike commuter route for not only Mariemont residents but for all those folks in Newtown, Anderson, Fairfax, Terrace Park and all other areas along the Little Miami Scenic Trail. Thousands of students at Xavier will be able to easily ride to school.
Jay Andress and his group have had good meetings with the Hamilton County Park’s Director Jack Sutton and his planner Tim Zelek about building an off-road connector from Kroger’s up the Wooster Pike Hill to the Mariemont Library. That work in continuing with discussions with Kroger’s and others.
They want to get input from the residents of Mariemont about access points, trail design, and especially amenities in the areas of Mariemont Gardens (South 80) and near Kroger’s. For that purpose they are hosting, along with students and professors from UC Niehoff Urban Design Center and ten professional architects a Community Design Workshop at Clark Montessori School at 8:30am on October 12th. Jay Andress will also be having a community party on Friday, October 18th at Hyde Park Floral and Garden (corner of Michigan and Wasson Roads) to reveal the results of the workshop and celebrate the next big step…moving forward with planning and construction.
Below is a map of the Wasson road trail
$750,000 in federal tax money – i.e., money forcible taken from citizens in the USA, spent on this nice-to-do project. Like an out of control credit card spender, the fact that we are running a deficit on the federal budget, and a federal debt that is going to bankrupt our kids and grandkids, seems to phase… absolutely no one. “We want our trail, and WE WANT IT NOW!” Absolute insanity. I don’t care how wonderful this trail is, or how diligently volunteers have worked on it, the trail is not critical. If you want a nice-to-do project – more power to you. But don’t spend federal deficit dollars on it. Where are the sane, mature adults in this process? Can you imagine the thousands of nice-to-do projects across the country being funded with money our kids will have to pay back? We can’t afford to pay for infrastructure to protect our national sovereignty, but by gosh lets build bike/hike trails all over the country. It boggles the mind.