Archive for Mariemont History

The Cincinnati Waldorf School brings back a Mariemont tradition

May Day Circa 1930, Dale Park School

May Day Circa 1930, Dale Park School

Our school was delighted to come across the historical photograph archived by the Mariemont Preservation Foundation depicting students at Dale Park dancing around a Maypole in the 1930’s! Coincidentally, each year the Cincinnati Waldorf School welcomes spring with our traditional May Morning celebration where our students come together to sing Spring songs and dance around a traditional Maypole.  May Day is a long held celebration around the world.  Traditionally in some European countries, young men secretly planted May trees beneath their sweetheart’s windows at night. Over time, these trees came to be represented by the Maypole. On May Day children secretly hung small baskets of spring flowers upon the doorknobs of the homes of friends and neighbors. Villagers gathered around the Maypole, singing songs of Spring. As they danced, the weaving of the ribbons clothed the pole in bright patterns of color. Happily, our students are quite immersed in the rites of Spring. On May morning children will be holding their May Day celebrations with song and Maypole dancing. After Earth’s long held in-breath of Winter, we are eager to gather and rejoice together in the beauty of Spring!  We welcome you to join us on our May morning, April 30 on the Dale Park field. Please also join us for our annual May Faire celebration with food and fun on Saturday, May 3, 11:00 am-2:00 pm.  Visit the Waldorf School at

May Morning Circa 2013, Cincinnati Waldorf School

May Morning Circa 2013, Cincinnati Waldorf School