Mariemont City Schools’ Superintendent Accepts Position with Upper Arlington City School Distric

(February 18, 2013) – The Mariemont City School Board announced earlier today that current superintendent, Paul Imhoff, accepted an offer to serve as superintendent of schools for the Upper Arlington City School District, beginning the 2013-14 academic year. He will remain superintendent of Mariemont City Schools until July 31, 2013.
“We are grateful for Paul’s leadership and collaboration and over the past six years, and we respect his career decisions as he challenges himself

professionally,” Peggy S. Braun, Mariemont City School District Board President. “Paul’s talent to lead a school system is well known throughout the educational community. We realized that with all of his capabilities, skills and knowledge, coupled with a highly successful track record in Mariemont, one day, someone would recruit him away.  Sadly, that day is here.”

Upper Arlington is a suburb of Columbus, Ohio, and the school district is comprised of one high school, two middle schools and five elementary schools. The district serves over 5,700 students.
Mr. Imhoff’s accomplishments during his six-year tenure with the district include:
·      The building and renovation of our school buildings after the successful passage of a 2009 bond issue by the community
·      An emphasis on cost containment and savings during a very challenging economic period
·      The continuation of our excellent state rating
·      A proactive approach to community engagement
·      Key improvements in the student technology plan, including the implementation of a comprehensive one-to-one technology program
“We must now turn our attention to finding a new superintendent for our school district,” said Peggy S. Braun. “We feel confident that with our academic rating and reputation, new facilities and strong community support, we will be able to attract a top educational leader.”
The Mariemont Board of Education will convene soon to discuss the process for selection. Once the process is finalized, the information will be shared with the staff and community.

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